Aaron Wynne
Founder, Real Estate Write, Sailor and Storyteller
Advice: Everything changed for me when my daughter drew a picture of the family and she drew me sitting at the computer working. I realised that my "need" to work and provide for them was actually doing the opposite and was taking away from what they really needed and wanted. From that moment on, I've tried (and definitely not always succeeded) to ask myself, "will this matter in 5 years' time?". I would say, 99.99% of the work tasks, problems or issues that 'must' be resolved won't matter in 5 days' time let alone 5 years' time so I just park it, prioritise time with the kids and try to focus on what really matters. Since taking this approach, no skies have fallen in, no balls have been dropped and any clients who didn't appreciate it and have left probably weren't the right clients for me or my business anyway.
Anything that improves you as a person will undoubtedly improve you as a father. I personally have found great value in the work of Ryan Holiday and his stoic books but there's also endless podcasts out there that are so valuable like How Other Dads Dad by Hamish Blake and The Imperfects podcast. I also think all fathers should really focus on maintaining a level of physical health and fitness. It's definitely hard, especially early on with competing priorities but I've found that my 'fathering' always improves in line with my physical activity, nutrition and sleep. I don't think that's a coincidence.
Dad career highlights: Perspective is a life-changing gift and becoming a father can't help but give you perspective. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle, bustle and bullshit of everyday life but at the end of the day, if it won't matter if 5 years it shouldn't matter now. Your relationship with your kids and partner will matter if 5 years time, that work meeting about the latest budget will not.